New Jersey Transcontinental Bike Trip


I’d never seen Princeton, NJ, and I’d always wanted to. As Mike and I left the New York area we had two choices on routes. The first had us following the Adventure Cycle Association strip maps that would take us into the boonies of western New Jersey to the Delaware River. Our option was to scratch the Princeton itch and go down the center of the state on numbered, secondary highways. Princeton won. Mike too had never seen the city, and since we had a family member in his senior year at the university, it was a slam dunk.

New Jersey Transcontinental Bike Trip

The First Day

The bike arrived, the bike arrived, the bike arrived.

Earlier today we got to REI at 3:30pm full of hope but with a healthy degree of trepidation, as we checked in with the bike repair attendant. “It’s here, but we haven’t unpacked it,” he said in a New York accent that told us he could really care less.

We frowned, hoping the bark/accent was worse than the bite.

“Okay, okay, I’ll try, maybe by 5:30, but no promises.”